
Reference chart of traditonal planets and their relation to cell salts

Reference chart of traditonal planets and their...

Astrology Salts

Planet Cell Salt Affinity Traditional Ruler Of Sun #8 Mag phos Leo Moon #1 Calc fluor Cancer Mercury #5 Kali mur, #7 Kali sulph Gemini, Virgo Venus #10 Nat phos,...

Reference chart of traditonal planets and their...

Astrology Salts

Planet Cell Salt Affinity Traditional Ruler Of Sun #8 Mag phos Leo Moon #1 Calc fluor Cancer Mercury #5 Kali mur, #7 Kali sulph Gemini, Virgo Venus #10 Nat phos,...

Cell salt name conversion chart

Cell salt name conversion chart

Astrology Salts

Using cell salts for your health has a long history of traditional use (100+ years). This has lead to many variations of their common names and each of the twelve...

Cell salt name conversion chart

Astrology Salts

Using cell salts for your health has a long history of traditional use (100+ years). This has lead to many variations of their common names and each of the twelve...

Astrological sign and polycrest remedy chart

Astrological sign and polycrest remedy chart

Astrology Salts

Please see below for excerpts from PART I: Modernized Writings from H.L. Cornell’s Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology from Wellness with Astrology (2024). This is for informational purposes about health and...

Astrological sign and polycrest remedy chart

Astrology Salts

Please see below for excerpts from PART I: Modernized Writings from H.L. Cornell’s Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology from Wellness with Astrology (2024). This is for informational purposes about health and...

Astrological Sign and Cell Salt Reference Chart

Astrological Sign and Cell Salt Reference Chart

Astrology Salts

Use the chart below to quickly look up what sign is associated with which Schuessler cell salt. Take the time to explore the fascinating relationship between Schuessler cell salts and...

Astrological Sign and Cell Salt Reference Chart

Astrology Salts

Use the chart below to quickly look up what sign is associated with which Schuessler cell salt. Take the time to explore the fascinating relationship between Schuessler cell salts and...