Description of Cell Salt Silica
Please see below for excerpts from PART II: Modernized Writings from George W. Carey’s Writings About Cell Salts and Their Relation to Zodiac Signs and Health from Wellness with Astrology (2024).
This is for informational purposes about health and astrology. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Cell Salt #12: Silica (Silicea)
Overview: First established by Hahnemann, the chemical role of silica in the human body has not been thoroughly explained. Previous discussions in biochemistry have focused on its general functions and assigned it a place in symptom-based repertories. Silica is a component of common quartz and can be found in hair, nails, skin, the periosteum (the tissue surrounding bones), nerve sheaths, and in trace amounts in bone tissue. This salt plays a critical role in all suppuration processes until the affected areas have completely discharged decaying organic matter.
A deficiency of silica in the connective tissue between the cerebrum and cerebellum can lead to difficulties in thinking. This occurs because the connective tissue becomes negatively charged due to the lack of silica, preventing it from effectively transmitting the brain's gray matter (a combination of potassium phosphate and albumen). By providing molecular silica, the chemical balance is restored, allowing normal cognitive functions to resume.
Symptoms and Conditions: Symptoms typically worsen at night and during a full moon, while improvement is seen in warm environments. Aggravation can occur due to suppressed foot sweat or cold feet, and symptoms may intensify in open-air settings.