Pisces, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, symbolized by the Two Fishes, is associated with spirituality, sensitivity, and duality. It is ruled traditionally by Jupiter with a close relationship to Neptune, representing expansiveness and mysticism, respectively. Here are the key points about Pisces:
- Characteristics: Pisces is considered double-bodied, changeable, and emotionally complex. It is associated with qualities like compassion, spirituality, but also tendencies towards escapism and self-undoing.
- Health and Vitality: Pisces rules over the feet and toes externally, and internally governs the glandular and lymphatic systems. It influences conditions like cold and moist ailments, and its influence can lead to issues such as phlegm, mucus, and lymphatic disorders.
- Spiritual Significance: Known as the "Sign of Sorrows", Pisces is often linked with deep emotional experiences and spiritual development. It represents the end of the Zodiac cycle, symbolizing transitions and higher spiritual states.
- Symbolism: Pisces is connected with themes of confinement, restraint, and self-sacrifice, as seen in the symbolism of the two Fishes tied together but swimming in opposite directions.
- Afflictions and Challenges: Those with Pisces prominent in their charts may face challenges like secret enemies, plots, and health issues related to neglect or escapism.
- Physical Associations: Structurally, Pisces governs the bones of the feet, the tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges. It also relates to bodily fluids like synovial and pleural serums.
- Environmental and Behavioral Influences: Pisces rules over places like hospitals, asylums, and prisons, and influences behaviors such as idleness, indifference, and the tendency to be lost in one's thoughts or emotions.
In essence, Pisces is a sign deeply intertwined with emotional depth, spiritual growth, and the challenges of navigating the boundaries between the material and spiritual realms. Its influence is profound and often reflective of the dualities and complexities inherent in human existence.
Pisces Diseases and Afflictions:
- Morbid action: Feet, toes, lymphatic system, sensitivity.
- Afflictions from Neptune cause fluid imbalances, foot ailments.
Each sign exhibits specific susceptibilities and tendencies towards certain diseases and health issues based on astrological attributes and planetary influences. These summaries provide insights into how astrological factors are traditionally believed to influence health and well-being, along with methods to mitigate health risks.
Corresponding Mineral Salt: Ferr phos 6X
Next sign: Aries
Previous sign: Aquarius